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  • Writer's pictureJessica

Homecare Elevation: Low back - Psoas (hip flexor)

Updated: Feb 6, 2022

A lot of people today have low back issues. Now I can not speak for everyone, but I can speak for a fair amount of people.

Usually this low back pain is due to a tension in the psoas muscle. The psoas muscles is a hip flexor that attaches to the front of the spine and is a major contributor to hip flexion. When this muscle is tight, it can pull the lower spine forward, which can trigger discomfort in the lower back.

It typically gets tight from prolonged stress, or from prolonger periods of hip flexion such as:

  • sitting

  • cycling

  • sleeping side lying

If you do one of the examples listed above, one of the best things you can do is to stretch the psoas and related areas.

Listed below are some videos from one of my favourite YouTubers that pulls you through a 20 minute guided stretch through low back and hips. I Enjoy Sydney because she walks you through the routine instead of just showing you which makes her easy to follow. In all her videos that I have referenced for stretching, she also tweaks routines a little too so you're not doing the same routine over and over.

If stretching the area does not help, we recommend seeing a physiotherapist to assess tight and weak areas then develop a custom treatment plan to bring your body back into balance. Sometimes a good personal trainer can do this too.

**PLEASE NOTE** stretching (and exercising) should feel a little uncomfortable BUT NEVER painful. If it hurts, find another way to do the stretch, or reach out for more suggestions.

This is advice based on my perception as a massage therapist and should not be taken as gospel, just a resource for you to try yourself.


image sourced through standard license via Shutterstock

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